Woolworths is proposing an integrated mixed-use project, featuring a new Woolworths supermarket and apartment living.

August 2023 - Brisbane City Council has approved Woolworths proposed integrated mixed-use project, featuring a new Woolworths supermarket and apartment living.

We are reviewing the conditions of development and will update the community on timing of delivery. In the meantime, we will shortly undertake early works.

The central location for the proposed Kangaroo Point supermarket will provide a local and accessible grocery retail offer.

A new supermarket will provide the opportunity for residents to shop closer to home, reducing the need to travel outside their local area to shop.

Local convenience shopping caters for customers who prefer more frequent shops, for fewer items which can be carried home, in addition to larger weekly shopping.

We are grateful for the extent of ongoing interest and comment received during our stakeholder engagement program, including local meetings and online engagement. We’ve heard many in the community are looking forward to a new Woolworths shopping experience, as an option to shop locally instead of travelling outside Kangaroo Point. Many people want the option to walk or ride to access everyday items, or a short car trip to shop just a few minutes away.

We also were told by many residents they want the supermarket to be delivered as soon as possible. In response, we have committed to the delivery of the supermarket within the first phase of the project. Many people have also told us they would like a café at the site to meet friends as part of their shopping routine. A café is included in our plans.

While there is a lot of positive anticipation about the Woolworths supermarket we openly acknowledge too, local concerns about the project. Our project team has heard concerns about the additional proposed height and apartments compared to the original application, traffic impacts (including from the additional apartments planned), and noise from trucks servicing the supermarket. As the owner of the site, with a long-term interest as an intending supermarket operator we want to become a valued member of the Kangaroo Point community and make a positive contribution. A significant part of the planning and design process was to propose a project with local benefits and least practical impacts.

Specific planning measures include -

  • Car parking: Allocation of four levels of basement car parking to ensure self-sufficiency and no pressure on limited on-street parking.
  • Traffic management: Retail and residential access will be separated between Ferry Street (retail) Prospect Street (residential) to help manage traffic volumes on local streets. We are also providing land to Council for an additional turning lane from Deakin Street into Ferry Street to keep with traffic movements.
  • Additional apartment levels: Since our initial mixed use Development Application, the local plan for this part of Kangaroo Point now allows for a greater number of stories. We have responded to the increased allowance to provide additional dwellings, as Brisbane continues to experience high demand for housing. Mixed use development projects, which combine upper levels dwellings with ground floor retail and dining are a very popular lifestyle choice in Brisbane and is well suited to Kangaroo Point.
  • Site servicing: Vehicles servicing the site when the retail is operational will enter an enclosed basement which will reduce servicing related noise.

Our proposal includes 246 car parks, within a four-level basement for future customers, residents, and visitors. The two on-street car parks will be retained. 

There will be separate car access for residents living in the apartments and customers. Residents will access parking from Prospect Street.  Customers will access parking from Ferry St.

Dedicated parking for parents, people with disability is included, along with spaces for motorbikes. Bike racks will also be provided.

A 2,000m2 Woolworths supermarket is proposed. The future grocery offer will stock plenty of everyday grocery needs and variety.

Following are our estimated timeframes:

Our proposal includes 246 car parks, within a four-level basement for future customers, residents, and visitors. The two on-street car parks will be retained. 

There will be separate car access for residents living in the apartments and customers. Residents will access parking from Prospect Street.  Customers will access parking from Ferry St.

Dedicated parking for parents, people with disability is included, along with spaces for motorbikes. Bike racks will also be provided.

A detailed traffic assessment is included in our Development Application. This report indicates the local road network can support the increased traffic with minor changes to travel times. 

We appreciate Deakin Street is busy during peak inner-city traffic. Customer and resident access points are separated. This will distribute the traffic coming to and from our site onto two roads, instead of one entry. 

Customers will access the car park via Ferry Street, and residents will access the residential car park from Prospect Street.

Yes, changes to local roads is planned.

We propose to dedicate land to Council to facilitate the widening of Deakin Street adjacent to the site. This is to allow a dedicated turn-in lane into Ferry Street, as pictured below, to assist traffic flow.

Dedicated right and left-hand turn lanes are planned at Ferry Street, as pictured below. Council previously approved these arrangements as part of their review of our former Development Application.

The site and locality receive ambient noise from the nearby Bradfield Highway. 

Mechanical plant will service the retail and apartments, however nearby residents are unlikely to experience additional noise. 

Specialist engineers will specify and select quiet mechanical plant, and this will be located and insulated to mitigate risk of local noise nuisance.

At this stage, the likely opening of the Woolworths supermarket will be in 2026, following approvals, detailed design, construction, and commissioning.

Council will determine hours of operation. 

The likely opening hours for the Woolworths supermarket will be 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday and 9am to 6pm Sunday and public holidays.

Workers will access the service bays from Prospect Street.

The service bays for deliveries and removal of waste will be inside the building to mitigate noise nuisance.

Waste and recycling services will usually occur before opening and after close.

We expect servicing to be no earlier than 6.00am and/or no later than 10.00pm. Actual hours will be determined through future conditions of approval.

Yes, Woolworths home delivery services will continue for Kangaroo Point.

Yes, our plans include a grocery pick-up service for goods ordered online. 

The ‘direct to boot’ service will be located within the retail basement car park.

If you have additional questions, please contact the project team.