We understand convenient access and sufficient parking is important for Kangaroo Point residents.
The proposal includes 246 car parks, within a four-level basement for future customers, residents, and visitors. Dedicated parking will be provided for parents and people with disability, along with spaces for motorbikes and bike racks.
Pedestrian access to the ground floor retail will be at the corner of Deakin Street and Ferry Street. To make it easy for Kangaroo Point residents to walk and shop, we will upgrade paths and access around our site.
Customer access to car parks will be from Ferry Street, while access for future residents will be from Prospect Street. These arrangements avoid traffic entering and exiting from the one location on either Ferry Street or Prospect Street. This also avoids access to and from Deakin Street to minimise impacts when roads are busy during peaks.
Our supporting traffic assessment report identifies the local road network can accommodate additional traffic without significant adverse impact. Deakin Street is planned to be widened to allow for a turn in lane into Ferry Street.